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Why Right Prompt?

What Problems are we trying to solve?
Unified and seamless experience for customers and employees is one of the most critical requirements for every business enterprise as happy and loyal customers and employees are the only guarantee of future growth and profitability.

Unfortunately, most organizations are unable to provide this experience despite significant IT investments because legacy IT systems work in siloes and there are air gaps in business processes which necessitate users to jump from application to application or communicate back and forth between different systems using traditional emails, phone calls, messages etc. Not only does this result in loss of efficiency and productivity, but it also makes employees and customers unhappy due to patchy user experience and lack of end to end visibility.

Right Prompt
Right Prompt

How can Right Prompt Technologies help?
As business process experts we understand how these process gaps can be bridged through process digitization, process automation and integration at process, data, or user level.

Application Platform-as-a-service like ServiceNow provides a way forward by creating System of Engagement and System of Action on top of legacy System of Records. With built in Lo Code/No Code and Robotic Process Automation tools, changing and reconfiguring workflows becomes easy imparting the much-needed business agility to enterprises. As ServiceNow Partner, with deep technical and domain knowledge we deliver these solutions.

Add to this the power of AI and new versions of the same, like Generative AI, we can improve customer services by leaps and bounds by delivering seamless experience and even anticipating and predicting services. This helps business grow by creating loyal customers and retaining them.

We are also extremely mindful of the people dimension which is often, the real difference between success and failure. We understand and facilitate proper context setting, alignment of goals, breaking inter-departmental barriers and proper communication.

In modern world both customers and employees demand workflows and user interfaces that are engaging, simple, easy to navigate and intuitive. It then becomes imperative to have a good understanding of UI/UX design elements and Design Thinking approach to put the customer experience at the center of design with a concurrent ability to make quick changes based on user feedback. Right Prompt Technologies brings this capability.

Our Values

All of us co-founders come with long and professional experience in some of the most respected and ethical organizations in the world. We have also been part of entrepreneurial journeys that had successful exits with Big 4 and others. Our management values and style have passed many tests. These values are, therefore, highly cherished and held close to our hearts. Our values are:

  • Integrity and Ethics in all our dealings within and outside the organisation. This is the foundation for building Trust and Credibility.
  • Customer Success is the only way to our success.
  • Belief in the Power of Simplification of all aspects of business – processes, technologies, and human interactions
  • Deep Passion for Technology and the belief that technology can make our lives better.

Right Prompt