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Integration Services

Digital workflows across enterprise value chains need integrations. Right Prompt Technologies consultants have widespread integration experience. However, one needs to keep the following factors in mind.

Integrations must deliver tangible value and supports your business outcomes. The value they bring must outweigh the initial implantation cost and on-going maintenance costs. Some integrations can be replicated with workflows in ServiceNow that deliver equal value with lower long-term cost.

Identify the process owners, administrators, and other stakeholders from ServiceNow, as well as third-party vendors who will support the integration implementation. These experts should be involved in scoping your integration needs and assessing the system capabilities, including finding any limitations like performance load, or middleware requirement etc. prior to technical design.

Default to using standard, predefined integrations in the ServiceNow Store or Integration Hub. Custom integrations take longer to implement and you’re responsible for their long-term maintenance.

Revisit any preexisting integrations to ensure alignment and minimize the risk of data duplication or overly complex workflow design.

Right Prompt

Our approach is as follows:

Define your integration needs

Capture business value
Common Integration Use Cases include -

  • Process Integration
  • UI Integration
  • Data Integration
  • Map how integration will work?

    Design your integration

    Prepare for integration implementation.
    Determine your integration method.
    Define technical requirements Factors – data formats, triggers, frequency, volume, error handling, protocols etc.

    Implement your integration

  • Test separate process & data movements
  • End to end test
  • Load tests
  • Review and monitor errors.
  • Long term maintenance plan

  • Our teams have experience in Integrating Cloud Platform with SAP ERP, Oracle DB, MySQL Data, Twilio (Messaging), O365 tools/Gmail, CTI Integration, DocuSign, Trustpilot, Ent Portals (using REST API’s/custom adaptors).