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Custom Development

Right Prompt Technologies’ experienced platform experts can help you in the design and development of solutions for modernizing your legacy applications to the cloud. These custom developments are done using the rich NOW platform with its low code, automation tools, modern UX design, integration capabilities and AI capabilities. Our approach for the custom development is based on DevOps/Agile principles. Deep knowledge of the NOW platform capabilities and smart reuse of existing assets allow us to accelerate the application development process.

Through extensive conversations with different stakeholders, we first identify the process gaps and related workflow that needs to be bridged or automated. Several use cases are identified and prioritized for building the solution in phases iteratively. We leverage ServiceNow App Engine, Automation Engine Cloud and Mobile UX capabilities for quick development.

Our Project Governance ensures clarity of scope, project planning and deliverables, stakeholder communications, and quality delivery.

Right Prompt

Our approach consists of the following steps:

POC Workshops

We start with POC workshops to identify what the app should look like and what efforts are needed. We then build a prototype to show the proof of concept. Most of the features are reused and hence the feedback from users can be validated.

Development standards

Development standards set basic expectations that developers must uphold when they work on the Now Platform at your organization. By creating and enforcing these standards, you’ll have consistent development practices, which ultimately makes the platform easier to manage and leads to greater overall platform health. Three development standards are integral to success - naming standards, development documentation, and development best practices.

Agile Development

We build the solution in an agile approach with multiple sprints to track progress, feedback, and QA testing. Our focus is on adding value in each sprint by showing you the progress and iterating to gather feedback from you to make sure the end-product is what you desire it to be.