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Implementation Services

Right Prompt Technologies brings its expertise in the following areas:

  • Execution of Digital Transformation initiatives of large enterprises (process, methodology, technology)
  • Large program management (teams, tools) - setup Governance to manage and track large programs/implementations.
  • Data and Application Services Integration for enabling new age workflow automation.
To implement ServiceNow enterprise solutions we align your team to a three-stage journey:

Right Prompt

Stage 1 – Understand the Management Capabilities for success

  • State and measure your business goals
  • Actively lead the transformation
  • Get your ServiceNow foundation right
  • Create excitement, drive adoption
  • Stage 2 – Connect Vision & Strategy to Implementation

  • Start your journey by defining your vision, drivers, desired outcomes, and measures of success
  • Run a gap analysis between current and needed IT business capabilities
  • Build a plan that includes your baseline, future-state requirements, and actions to reach your goals
  • Stage 3 – Set Process, Data & Technology Foundation

  • Run a review to define “as-is” and “to-be” states for the processes you’ll implement
  • Put your desired CMDB model in place before you implement new capabilities
  • Define a clear reference architecture to guard against future technical risks
  • Define clear standards for instance management based on your desired outcomes
  • Deployment of any ServiceNow capability should ideally start by mapping the “as-is” and “to-be” processes or workflows. The goal of process mapping is to identify gaps between an as-is and to-be processes that can be translated into requirements and/or user stories for Now Platform implementation.